Serendipitous readings

Side interests


The Great Masters

“Dead are the dead. The living seem to live.”

By: Giorgio Vasari

The Complete Works of Michelangelo

“Grand simplicity”

Barnes & Nobel Books New York (1997)

Rembrandt Paintings

“Observing the observer”

By: Horst Gerson

By: Horst Gerson

Hesiod: The Works and Days, Theogony & The Shield of Heracles

“Timeliness is best in all matters”

Translated by: Richmond Lattimore

Purpose + Profit: How Business can Lift up the World

“‘The only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ (Steve Jobs) That is why being purpose driven is important, and why the business of business has to be more than just business.”

By: George Serafeim

Disorder: hard times in the 21st century

By: Helen Thompson


Beautiful renditions